Responsibility – MV-Jäähdytys


We are committed to taking care of our staff, the energy efficiency and the long life cycle of our customer’s equipment.

Responsibility for

Responsibility for a good life 

At MV-Jäähdytys, we understand the importance of making work as enjoyable as possible. We continuously strive to improve job satisfaction by prioritizing principles of equality such as fair compensation models, mutual respect, humor, versatility in work roles and career paths, and a sense of community stemming from our company’s history as a family business.

Our active employees enjoy team sports together, as well as Eazybreak sports and massage benefits. Our employee retention is at a high level and our attrition rate per year is only 4%, which is exceptionally low within the industry. In addition to a pleasant working atmosphere and employee benefits, we offer our staff the most modern tools within the sector, as well as continuous technical support from our experts.

Responsibility for safety

We are a cooling equipment servicing company approved and qualified by the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency Tukes. In every town where we have an office or establishment, we have a designated person responsible for meeting environmental protection requirements. We continuously maintain and develop our staff’s competence and professional skills through systematic training. All of our maintenance technicians who work with professional kitchens and cooling technology are trained to practice safe work practices. Our occupational is significantly low when compared to other companies in the sector. Each of our on-site employees has at least an occupational safety card, an electrical safety card, a hot work certificate, and a first aid certification. The collection of cards and certificates is completed according to work tasks, including a hygiene passport, hoist operator training, and ID-cards for construction sites.

Responsibility for
the environment

Responsibility for energy efficiency

A device is at its most environmentally friendly state when it works properly. Our business focuses on maintenance and aims to provide a long lifecycle for every device and preserve the energy efficiency of the equipment throughout the year. We have over 40 000 cooling and professional kitchen devices under our maintenance contract, and we are committed to taking care of their good condition and energy efficiency.

Thanks to our technical competence gained over our 50-year history, our extensive material bank, and broad partner network, we can ensure that every device and piece of equipment is maintained properly with consideration for the device’s life cycle and other environmental factors. We have our own acquisition department, which maintains a huge collection of spare parts and can order even the most specialized components in the versatile sector using our network. We regularly attend manufacturer’s courses, share best practices, and continuously develop our expertise to stay on the cutting edge of the industry.

Responsibility for everyday choices

Each year, we complete over 37 000 work tasks on our sites located all over Finland. In a company of our size, this emphasizes the need for conscious everyday choices. We analyze all the refrigerants and coolants returned to us. We are one of the only actors in Finland, who have the equipment and expertise needed to do this. Based on the analysis, the coolants or refrigerants will be either used, cleaned, or sent to our partners for disposal. Most of the coolants and refrigerants can be cleaned, and we will do it every time it is possible. We take care of equipment that is no longer suitable for the market properly and in an environmentally friendly way. We drive to sites with low emission vehicles and use food grade chemicals in kitchens.

We also envision the future. We take care of mandatory leak checks for our customers, and our experts always recommend the most suitable refrigerant for their needs. We continuously improve our expertise and expand our knowledge of halogen-free, or in other words, natural refrigerants. Our register of maintained devices contains over 500 devices that use only natural refrigerants.

Social responsibility

Responsibility for Finnish professionalism

Throughout our 50-year history, we have always preserved our employees’ jobs, even during difficult market situations, and have fearlessly hired new staff members. We respect and value our professionals and constantly train new members through our own training programs. Our apprenticeship agreement training program is exceptional in the industry, both nationally and internationally. Unemployed job seekers will receive training in our program that combines both theoretical and practical work to become the best in their industry. This ensures that our new employees have all the necessary resources to succeed independently after graduation.

Responsibility for those in need

We regularly support charities and communities in need. For the charities of the year 2021, we chose Suomen Veteraanit and Tukikummit based on suggestions from our personnel. Veteraanivastuu ry supports Finnish war veterans, women of war, and war widows in areas such as combating loneliness, medical expenses, and daily activities. The Tukikummit foundation supports young people at risk of exclusion due to their family’s financial situation by assisting in areas such as hobbies and study expenses. The criteria used for choosing the main charities for 2021 were based on the alignment of values between MV-Jäähdytys and the charities, as well as an equal distribution among different social classes.

Our staff also selected the main charities for 2022. Through our support of UNICEF, we aided children and their families who have suffered from the Ukrainian war. The conflict has damaged critical water infrastructure and schools, and UNICEF has been working for years to provide assistance such as clean water, healthcare equipment, hygiene products, school supplies, and psychosocial support for children and their families. Our other main charity for 2022 is Icehearts Ry, which prevents the exclusion of young Finnish people through team sports. Since its foundation, the association has aimed to become a national organization to provide opportunities for hobbies, community involvement, and achieving full potential for as many children as possible.

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